Have You Seen Us on this Eureka Chamber of Commerce Video?
We were thrilled to be invited to take part in a video series of the Eureka Chamber of Commerce illuminating Commerce members. This video highlights our work and beautiful space.
We were thrilled to be invited to take part in a video series of the Eureka Chamber of Commerce illuminating Commerce members. This video highlights our work and beautiful space.
Dear People of St. Francis’ The Greek philosopher Aristotle taught that happiness consists of contemplation and virtuous acts. If this is true, the bakers of our Eucharistic bread must be very happy people! These parishioners are baking our bread during the five week Bread of Life Discourse from the Gospel of John, chapter 6. You can …
Dear People of St. Francis’ This week a parishioner sent me a letter in which he said: I have been reading Karen Armstrong’s The Lost Art of Scripture. I’m finding the chapter on Embodiment very interesting. It gives a comparison of the interpretation of scripture in the Eastern and Western Churches. According to Armstrong, Augustine …
Dear People of St. Francis, Masks are off or optional in many settings. I listen to your summer plans and hear long delayed lunches, trips and family visits woven into your calendars. Our church calendar includes in-person meetings and social gatherings again. Life seems to be returning to “normal.” But as we emerge from the pandemic, the thought that …
Let your light shine before people, so they can see the good things you do and praise your Father who is in heaven. Matthew 5:16 At St. Francis, we have a literal reminder of this verse from the Gospel of Matthew; our tower with its shining light. As the evening sun sets, a bright light emanates from the …
I received an email a from parishioner this week (who permitted us to print this but wanted to remain anonymous). In it he said: I was looking through a book, and I came across a paragraph that explains that a quantum physicist recognizes that to observe an experiment is to affect its outcome. It made …