Advent Sunday Services
Advent is a season of preparation, penitence and waiting. Join us each Sunday to prepare your hearts and minds for God’s inbreaking in the world. Services at 8am and 10:30am, on November 27 and December 4, 11 and 18.

Advent Forum Bible Study: The Women of Advent
Women of the Bible have been trapped in dry and dusty literary caskets for centuries–but no more. Using the book Bible Women: All Their Words and Why They Matter, explore the words, context, and historical background of biblical women with parishioner Mary Richardson. Through these women, God spoke, intervened, changed, illustrated, and proclaimed the story of redemption. Sundays (Nov. 27, Dec. 4, 11 and 18, between services at 9:15am)

Advent Evenings
From 5:30 to 7pm on each Wednesday evening in Advent (Nov 30, Dec 7, 14, 21) St. Francis will host Advent Evenings with a simple supper and guided prayer based on Ignatian Contemplation. You are welcome for dinner, prayer, either or both!

Christmas Cookie Exchange
Join us in the Community Room after 10:30am worship on Sunday, December 4, to exchange your cookies for a variety of cookies homemade by the members of St. Francis! Sign up in advance (which determines the number of cookies that each person needs to bring) by contacting the office by November 27.

Caroling with Neighbors from the Arbors at Rockwood
The Arbors neighborhood and St. Francis welcome you to sing Christmas carols, share hot cocoa and cookies, visit Santa and make a difference in the lives of those suffering from Alzheimer’s Disease! Come to St. Francis for the holiday cheer and purchase a luminary kit to light up your home. All proceeds benefit the Alzheimer’s Foundation.

Adopt a Family: We will be adopting families from Eureka Elementary by shopping for Christmas gifts. Watch newsletter and website for details.
Christmas Flowers: Parishioners are invited to sponsor Christmas flowers in honor/memory of those they love. Order forms due to office by December 11.

Christmas Eve Worship + Dinner
Traditional Christmas Eve service led by children and youth, at 5pm, with catered community meal to follow. Parishioners are invited to bring a dessert to share.

Christmas Day Worship
Christmas morning service with meditative music at 10am

Lessons and Carols
A joyful Liturgy of the Word at 10:30am featuring lots of familiar Christmas carols and readings that tell the story of our salvation through Jesus Christ.
Epiphany and Beyond

The Feast of the Baptism of the Lord
The season of Epiphany begins with the Feast of the Baptism of the Lord at 8am and 10:30am. This is one of the four traditional days of the year for baptism. Interested in exploring baptism? Contact Laurie+.

Martin Luther King, Jr., Service Day Project
We join with Eureka High School National Honor Society students in a day of service at Wyman Center, a local organization that strives to “empower tends from economically disadvantaged circumstances to lead successful lives and build strong communities.” Time TBD.

Annual Meeting with Potluck
Immediately following the 10:30am service, St. Francis will hold its Annual Meeting. This meeting is required by Canons (rules of the Episcopal Church) in January. Here the entire parish gathers to elect new leaders, hear about financial status, and celebrate the ministry and mission of the church. Join this celebration and sign up for the one-of-a-kind St. Francis potluck meal to follow!