Upcoming Forum Topics are listed below. Forum, our education opportunity open to all church members and visitors, is held on Sunday mornings at 9:15, in our Community Room.
May 1: Christian Identity in a Multi-faith World – Our country is becoming more diverse and pluralistic. How does one wholeheartedly love and follow Jesus while still having loving and respectful relationships with people from other religions? Is it possible to have a strong Christian identity that is strongly benevolent toward people of other faiths? Rev. Jim Poinsett, Executive Director of Interfaith Partnership of Greater St. Louis and Presbyterian minister, will lead a discussion on embracing people of other religious traditions while maintaining a strong Christian identity.
May 8: Stewardship and our Ministries at St. Francis, with Stewardship Chair Mike Rohan
We need you at this Forum! Come join fellow members to talk about Stewardship at St. Francis church. Laurie+ will answer questions about worship ministries in general.
Share your thoughts and ideas. Tell us what’s missing—but needed—or what will enhance our stewardship campaign.
How can we build on the momentum of generous stewardship to support St. Francis ministries?
May 15: Who Was St. Francis and What Does His Life Say to Us Today? With Jim Bowlin
Join parishioner Jim Bowlin as he explores the patron of our parish, St. Francis, and his relevance to us today.
May 22: St. Clare, with parishioner Dr. Michael Booker
St. Clare of Assisi was a follower and contemporary of St. Francis. A daughter of wealth, she was devoted to poverty. She held off an army. She founded a religious order. She’s also the patron saint of television.
May 29: The Christian response to war, with Neil Tumber
In the light of the situation in the Ukraine, on Memorial Sunday, we will have a discussion to explore the Christian response to war. Our aim is to learn how we might pray for our world and all our brothers and sisters in time of war: those fighting; those affected by the fighting; those in leadership positions and those bringing aid. Our discussion will be facilitated by Neil Tumber, a Franciscan Tertiary who served in the British military during the times of the Falkland Crisis and the Gulf Wars.
What does this picture say to you?

June 5: Lay Eucharistic Visitors and Ministers Training, with David Luckes
Gathering at the Eucharistic Table defines us as the Body of Christ. Sharing Eucharist in service and to the homebound and ill is of critical importance to our community. Learn about and prepare for this ministry with seminarian, David Luckes. Both returning and new Ministers and Visitors are asked to attend because these ministries have been in recess for over two years because of Covid.