Forum is a fellowship and learning time between the services on Sunday morning. We gather at 9:15am and Forum lasts 45 minutes to an hour. Upcoming topics are:
- October 31: Morning Prayer: The What and the Why
Leader: Parishioner Michael Booker
Morning prayer is at the heart of Episcopal Worship and offered twoce a wek at St. Francis. Join parishioner Michael Booker as he explores this “what and the why” of Morning Prayer. - November 7: The 2 Big Gs–Genealogy and God
Leaders: Ruby Downs and Michael Booker
Michael Booker will talk briefly on genealogy in the Bible, and Ruby Downs will share stories of both saints and sinners from whom she descends. Along the way Ruby will reflect on the impact learning of their deeds and misdeeds has affected her as she wrestles with moral issues they created to their courage and love of God which sustained them. Questions and sharing of your family stories will fill the second half of our time together. - November 14: “Do Not Be Afraid” – A Scriptural Survey
Leader: Jim Bowlin
Parishioner Jim Bowlin wonders “Why do we behave like rabbits when the most repeated Bible verse, ‘Do not be afraid,’ shows we’re in the hands of God?” Join him as he explores this question! - November 21: Diocesan Convention Report
Panel Leader: Michael Booker; Panelists: Diocesan Delegates and Laurie+
Each year on the third weekend of November, the Diocese of Missouri gathers as a community to worship together, assess mission and ministry and to set administrative policy. Join us as we review this year’s convention. - November 28: Make a Joyful Noise: Music at St. Francis’
Leader: Interim Music Director Grace
Let’s talk music! Meet Interim Music Director, Grace. Hear her hopes for music at St. Francis and share your hopes and favorite musical styles with her! There will be no pop-up choir this week. - December 5: Theology of Space: our building and grounds reflecting our understanding of God, our neighbor and our work in the world
Leaders: Laurie+ and the Theology of Space Committee
The Theology of Space Committee has been hard at work behind the scenes. Join us to see their draft plans and to imagine our interior and exterior spaces together!