Are you open to exploring confirmation in the Christian faith, being “received” as a member of the Episcopal branch of the Jesus movement, or looking to reaffirm and deepen your commitment to relationship to God through Jesus? If so, please join our series of discussions beginning at Forum on September 12th. If you have questions about confirmation, reception or reaffirmation, please call Rev. Laurie!
- Sun. Forum: Sept. 12: Overview of the Way of Love & Episcopal Catechism
- Sun. Forum: Sept. 19: Way of Love 1: Turn
- Sat., Sept. 25: Retreat: Service to the Community through Workday, 10am-3pm; Way of Love 2-5: Learn, Pray, Worship, Bless
- Sun. Forum: Sept. 26: Way of Love 6: Go
- Sun. Forum: Oct. 3: Way of Love: Rest
While all parishioners are invited to drop in for any session (including retreat), those interested in confirmation or reception should speak with Rev. Laurie+ by September. 7.