Q: What is a “narthex?” Is that just Missouri-speak for “northex” the same way “forty-four” is pronounced “farty-far?”
A: Narthex is an architectural term and is indeed correct! It is not a Missourization of “northex.”
Narthex: An entry space, foyer, or anteroom of a church between the door and the nave. The term is from the Greek for a “small case.” Historically, the narthex was an enclosed vestibule or porch of a basilica. Catechumens and penitents stood in the narthex during the service. It also may serve as a place for the gathering and formation of processions and a place for people to wait before services begin. (source)
The St. Francis’ narthex is one of the comfiest places in the building. During the Theology of Space campaign in 2022, funds were raised for projects that we called “Reimagining St. Francis’ Home,” which included attention to the narthex. The campaign brochure described the project as: “Furniture, wall hangings, photos, plants and floor covering will be chosen to reflect our desire for all who enter to feel welcomed.”
The photos below show some of the elements of our narthex.