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To avoid potential online hackers from disrupting the service, Zoom Conferencing has recommended that we correspond to confirm who has access to join. If you are new to the area, or just looking for a congregational family to join, please fill out the information to the right and our Virtual Verger will contact you on how you can join our online Sunday Worship Service.” facebook=”https://www.facebook.com/St-Francis-Episcopal-Church-240725536832024/” twitter=”www.stfranciseureka.com”]
[sh_contact_form title=”FILL IN THE FORM BELOW” email=”paul@jokerst.us” site_key=”6Ld9948UAAAAALgOCTrjO7hD_2-_jrGrsTfTRVVG” secret_key=”6Ld9948UAAAAABYYFRB1NnMhgvx68h_GgcmlN8Md”]
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