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Christmas 2021

Christmas Eve – December 24, 2021

We will celebrate Christmas Eve with a pageant during a 5:30pm Eucharist service. Families with children or youth who want to participate should arrive by 4:45pm to prepare, including adding costumes on top of their clothes. Service is in-person and streamed on YouTube.

Bulletin :: YouTube

Christmas Day – December 25, 2021

O Zoom, all ye faithful! We will gather virtually on Christmas morning at 10:30am for worship using Zoom. Join us in your pajamas from your couch with a cup of coffee as we

Bulletin :: Zoom (Mtg ID 890 4916 1972, Passcode: 774603)

Lessons and Carols – December 26, 2021

On Sunday, December 26, we will gather at 10:30am for a traditional Lessons and Carols service. Learn about the history of this cool experience here. Service will be led by parishioner Michael Booker with many members doing readers or leading carols. There will be NO Forum, pick-up choir, 8am worship, or office hours this day. The building will close at noon and remain closed until we open the morning of Sunday, January 2, 2022.

Bulletin :: YouTube

The Feast of the Epiphany – January 2, 2022

This important feast day celebrates the coming of the Magi. Learn more here! Our seminarian intern David Luckes preaches. This Sunday, we return to two Eucharist services, at 8am and at 10:30am, with a parish-wide breakfast served between them. Pick-up choir will rehearse at 9:30am.

Bulletin :: YouTube

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